Transform your employer brand with authentic, anonymous employee feedback and actionable insights.

Review Jobs is the first certified platform for authentic employee review, enabling HR to leverage AI-driven insights, build employer brand reputation.

Comprehensive solutions for employee review management

Discover how empowers you to collect, manage, showcase, and analyze authentic employee reviews to enhance your employer brand and manage your online reputation.

Collect reviews

Easily collect verified and anonymous employee reviews to gain authentic insights into your company culture.

Manage reviews

Efficiently manage and respond to employee reviews using our intuitive dashboard.

Analyze reviews

Leverage advanced analytics and reporting features to understand employee sentiment trends and drive positive change.

Showcase reviews

Showcase verified employee testimonials on your company profile and career pages to attract top talent and enhance your reputation.

Collect reviews: easily gather genuine employee feedback with ease

At, we understand the importance of authentic employee reviews in shaping your employer brand. Our platform makes it simple to collect authentic feedback from your team members, ensuring that you receive genuine insights into your company culture. By providing a secure and anonymous environment, encourages employees to share their honest experiences, enabling you to gain a true understanding of your organization's strengths and areas for improvement.

  • Diverse collection methods: Utilize our employee satisfaction surveys, custom review collection surveys, and API integrations to gather comprehensive feedback.
  • Guaranteed anonymity: Ensure employee anonymity through secure feedback requests and anonymous review submissions, fostering honest and open feedback.
  • Focus on authenticity: Prioritize genuine feedback over incentivized reviews, ensuring the integrity and value of employee insights.

Manage reviews: streamline your review management process

Say goodbye to the hassle of scattered employee feedback. offers a centralized platform to efficiently manage and respond to reviews. Our intuitive dashboard allows you to easily track and analyze employee sentiment, empowering you to make data-driven decisions that positively impact your workforce. With, you can effectively address concerns, celebrate successes, and demonstrate your commitment to employee engagement.

  • Centralized dashboard: Efficiently manage reviews through an intuitive dashboard with features like review moderation, reporting, labeling, and employee satisfaction metrics.
  • Seamless communication: Request reviews directly from employees via email and leverage the platform for anonymous feedback collection.
  • Automation & efficiency: Streamline workflows with automatic review moderation, customizable response templates, and FAQ functionalities.

Analyze reviews: gain actionable insights to drive positive change

Unlock the full potential of employee feedback with' advanced analytics and reporting features. Our platform provides you with valuable data and insights to understand employee sentiment trends, identify areas for improvement, and track progress over time. By leveraging these actionable insights, you can make informed decisions, implement targeted initiatives, and create a workplace that truly values and engages its employees.

  • In-depth analytics Understand employee sentiment through keyword analysis, employee satisfaction surveys, custom surveys, and NPS data.
  • Data-driven decisions: Leverage comprehensive reports and data export capabilities to identify trends, areas for improvement, and track progress over time.
  • Customizable insights: Tailor your analysis with custom reports to gain specific insights relevant to your organization's goals.

Showcase reviews highlight your employer brand with verified employee testimonials

Harness the power of positive employee experiences to attract top talent and enhance your employer brand reputation. enables you to showcase authentic employee testimonials on your company profile, career pages, and social media channels. By highlighting authentic stories and experiences, you can differentiate your organization, build trust with potential candidates, and showcase your dedication to fostering a thriving company culture.

  • Public employer profile Showcase authentic employee reviews on a dedicated company page, building transparency and trust with potential candidates.
  • Website integration: Leverage' API to seamlessly integrate employee testimonials into your company website and career pages.
  • Social media sharings: Amplify positive employee feedback by sharing testimonials on your social media channels, expanding your employer brand reach.

Interested in elevating your employer brand?

Sign up for today and experience the power of authentic, verified employee feedback. Start collecting reviews, gaining actionable insights, and attracting top talent to build a thriving company culture.

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An employee review platform is an online space where employees can share their experiences working for a company. For companies, it provides valuable feedback, measures satisfaction, manages reputation, and improves HR practices.

Review moderation is crucial for maintaining the integrity and quality of employee reviews. It involves monitoring and controlling content to ensure it adheres to established rules and guidelines. Here are key aspects of review moderation:

Legitimacy Check: Reviews undergo examination to verify authenticity and identify any manipulation or fake reviews.

Compliance with Rules: Moderation enforces rules against offensive, defamatory, spam, or any non-compliant content.

Balance and Neutrality: Reviews are evaluated impartially, regardless of their positivity or negativity, based on predefined criteria.

Privacy Protection: Employee privacy is prioritized, and sensitive personal information is not publicly shared.

Responsiveness: Regular and timely review moderation ensures a smooth user experience and demonstrates that opinions are valued.

Transparent Communication: Users are informed of moderation policies and reasons for review moderation or rejection, fostering trust.

Effective review moderation maintains integrity, delivers a reliable user experience, and safeguards corporate reputation. It creates a trustworthy environment for employees to actively participate in sharing their reviews.

An employee review management solution empowers companies to leverage employee reviews for brand reputation enhancement, talent retention, and strong employee relationships, ultimately driving growth and satisfaction.

To choose the right employee review management platform, consider these key factors:

Features: Identify essential features you need.

Integration: Check for seamless integration with existing systems.

Customization: Ensure options to reflect your corporate identity.

Ease of use: Look for a user-friendly interface.

Reliability and security: Verify data protection measures.

Data analysis: Seek advanced analytics capabilities.

Customer support: Confirm responsive support availability.

Platform's reputation: Research user satisfaction and reviews.

Cost: Compare pricing plans against features and benefits.

Considering these factors will help you select a suitable review management platform that maximizes customer feedback for your business.

Employee reviews are assessments or comments provided by employees about their experience with a company. These reviews can be positive, negative, or neutral and are typically shared online on platforms like review sites, forums, social networks, or the company's own website. Employee reviews can come in various formats, including written comments, rating stars, scale ratings, or even photos and videos.

Companies can collect employee reviews through methods such as internal job satisfaction surveys, social media accounts, specialized review platforms like Indeed or Glassdoor, or search engine results like Google.

Collecting employee reviews is essential for your company for several reasons:

Trustworthiness: Authentic employee reviews build trust with prospective candidates, who often rely on these testimonials to gauge the true work environment rather than just promotional campaigns.

Informed decision-making: Employee reviews provide valuable insights for candidates considering a job offer. By reading about others' experiences, they can make informed decisions about the quality of work life and company culture

Feedback for improvement: Negative reviews present opportunities for learning and growth. They help companies identify areas that need improvement and develop action plans to enhance the quality of work life.

Credibility and attraction: A company with positive reviews enhances its credibility among current employees and attracts a larger pool of job applicants. Employee reviews contribute to expanding the talent pool.

Commitment and loyalty: By responding to reviews, a company demonstrates that it values employee opinions and cares about their job satisfaction. This fosters employee loyalty and increases retention rates.

Transparency: Allowing employees to share reviews showcases transparency and openness to feedback, bolstering the company's credibility among both current employees and potential candidates.

By embracing employee reviews, your company can gain valuable insights, build trust, and foster a positive work environment.

Employee reviews are beneficial for your employer brand reputation due to several reasons including but not limited to:

Social proof: Reviews act as social proof, demonstrating that employees have had a positive experience working for your company. This influences candidates by showing employee satisfaction.

Market differentiation: Positive reviews set you apart from competitors, showcasing your company as a great place to work in a competitive market.

Visibility and reputation: Employee reviews increase visibility and enhance your online reputation. They attract potential candidates and encourage employees to recommend your company, generating positive word-of-mouth.

Employee loyalty: Involving employees in the review process strengthens their commitment and loyalty. Addressing reviews, positive or negative, shows that you value employee feedback and care about job satisfaction, building trust and loyalty.

Writing an employee review that is helpful and informative can assist candidates in making informed decisions. Here are some tips to creating an effective employee review:

Choose a relevant title: Summarize your experience in a concise title like "Positive Work Environment" or "Lacking Employee Benefits."

Describe your overall experience: Briefly explain why you chose to work for the company.

Detail the positives: List specific points you appreciate, such as office ergonomics, employee benefits, and PTO.

Address areas for improvement: Provide constructive feedback without excessive negativity, remaining honest.

Make objective comparisons: If you've worked elsewhere, offer comparisons to help readers understand pros and cons.

Be specific: Support your points with concrete examples for credibility and usefulness.

Avoid generalizations: Explain why you consider it a good work environment instead of using vague statements.

Use clear and concise language: Keep it straightforward unless technical terms are necessary for the audience.

Stay honest: Be transparent about motivations and real experiences for sincere reviews.

End with a conclusion: Summarize your overall impressions and indicate if you recommend working for the company.

Rate your experience: If allowed, provide a numerical rating or evaluation.

Protect personal information: Avoid sharing unless relevant to the experience.

Proofread and edit: Check for spelling and grammar errors before posting.

Follow these tips to write an engaging and informative employee review that helps others make informed decisions.

Finding employee reviews can be done through various platforms, including:

Company websites: Businesses typically have an "Employee Reviews" section on their website, featuring testimonials from employees.

Specialized review platforms: Dedicated review platforms like offer a specific focus on employee reviews.

Social media: Many companies maintain pages or accounts on social media platforms where employees can openly share their experiences and provide reviews.

Online forums: Industry-specific forums and discussion boards often host conversations where experienced professionals share their insights and employee reviews.

Employee reviews play a crucial role in managing your company's reputation. Indeed, they represent a determining criterion for 85% of young French people before making a career decision. They allow you to:

Improve transparency: Show honest insight into company culture and working conditions.

Attract talent: Potential candidates can get a clear picture of the work environment and make informed decisions.

Strengthen engagement: Employees feel heard and valued when they can freely share their experiences.

Identify areas for improvement: Employee feedback reveals opportunities for continuous improvement.

Promote a positive image: Positive reviews strengthen the employer brand and attract new talent.