The social climate in business: analyze, measure, rectify, act

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The social climate in business: analyze, measure, rectify, act

A very common term in the field of human resources management, the social climate in companies is an indicator or barometer in companies. A very important concept to know for a business leader, this indicator is a barometer in times of crisis. It makes it possible to measure and know how the business climate is evolving. This is the consideration that employees and staff have towards the company. Find in detail through this article how to analyze, measure, rectify and act appropriately.


If the social climate is an indicator used in business, how can it be analysed? It is not obvious to most, but it is possible to analyze the social climate in business. For this, it is enough to use other indicators.


In a company, you can rely on productivity to learn a little more about its social climate. Indeed, the better the social climate in the workplace, the more productive it is. Take a look at:

  • the commitment of your employees,
  • solidarity at work,
  • happiness at work.

In addition, it will be necessary to take into account the human side of your company. A more humane company is much more productive. Analyze the behavior of your employees and especially your human resources manager. Give your employees the opportunity to give their views on a trusted employee review platform.


A recurring problem in business. It is an indicator for analyzing the social climate. In addition, absenteeism causes costly losses for companies. This can lead to frustration among other regular collaborators at work. Representing a major problem for the company, it is imperative to look into this. Here are some potential causes to analyze.

The atmosphere

Less obvious for managers, the atmosphere in a company is one of the causes of absenteeism. This is a stressful environment for employees. Indeed, in an obscene environment, it is impossible to be productive and have a good social climate. For example, you can conduct an employee satisfaction survey.

Occupational diseases

Very common in companies, it is important to look at this indicator to analyze the social climate of the company. Although they are not prevalent in the corporate culture, you need to take them into account. Musculoskeletal disorders or MSDs are a group of diseases. These diseases are usually localized in the joints such as:

  • elbows;
  • knees;
  • the wrist and
  • the spine.

However, these illnesses can be used as excuses for employees to take forced leave. To remedy this, most often organize a company party and entertain your employees. This allows you to relax the atmosphere most often.


Is the renewal rate spectacular? Are complaints multiplying? These are all reasons that create an environment with a bad social climate. Indeed, a company that renews its workforce too often is faced with a lack of self-confidence. It is more difficult to get new people to work together than old people. It is therefore imperative for the health of the company to reduce the turnover rate in your company. You need to set up an organization for talent management within the company.

Sick leave

A tense social climate in the company also means employees who are often on sick leave. Whether justified or not, this is a minus in the company’s coffers. Indeed, it is an indicator to be analyzed in order to know the social climate of one’s company. You should request a regular check-up from your clinic. This allows you to know who is being dismissed for health reasons or not. Careful! You must have your own doctor to confirm the disease.

Financial health

Burn-out in the workplace is a factor that plunges company coffers into darkness. Take an interest in finance to find out how your business is doing. Finance also allows you to know the social climate within your company.

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It is one thing to analyze the social climate of a company and another is to measure it. There is no point in analyzing it without measuring it. This measure represents a graph of the evolution of the company at a “moment T”. This is a decision-making factor for the managers of a company. This is the responsibility of the human resources department. These specialists implement specific strategies to properly measure the social climate internally.


This approach is much more used. This makes it possible to reach goals faster. All you have to do is carry out a survey and submit it to employees or staff. It’s very convenient. Depending on your goals, you can direct your questions. For this, the human resources department will have to provide a sheet according to what the manager is looking for. There are several ways to relay this sheet.


The old-fashioned way, it is possible to ask questions and put them on paper. To do this, simply share them with employees and collect them afterwards. However, your questions should be specific and very concise.


The human resources department can proceed online. You can go to the company’s website and fill out the survey. This method is better known and easier to complete. In addition, the analysis can be done faster. It is less obvious to lose data through this route. However, make sure that the server is secure.


Proceeding by phone call is a possibility to use too. You can ask questions directly by call. Choose your hours carefully and contact the employee. You have to ask them closed-ended questions and make sure to keep the thread of conservation.


More direct, you have a contact to maintain. In this case, it’s about having a direct conversation with the employee. This can be:


The interview can be individual. In this case, you must invite the employee to a physical session. Let them know in advance! During this meeting, it will be necessary to discuss with the employee and ask them questions. Be direct and take notes as often as possible. If you wish to film the session, notify the employee in advance.

Focus group

Very widespread, this is a new method that allows you to kill two birds with one stone. Through a group interview, you can have the answers to your questions and this can be debated at length by your employees. These are very effective sessions that allow you to measure the social climate in the workplace.

Mixed approach

This approach is only a combination of the two previous approaches. You may decide to meet some people and call others. If available, you can arrange an appointment with the employee at the company’s premises.


Once you’ve measured the climate in your organization, it’s time to fix it. This is a protocol method for most managers. However, it is useful to look at it yourself. Here are some steps that will allow you to correct this rather tense climate in your organization.

Bringing stakeholders together

To hope to correct this climate, it is already necessary to discuss with the managers of the organization. It is important that all officials at various levels are present or represented. During this meeting, you must discuss the issues of turnover, burn-out or bore out.

Define and determine causes

To improve the social climate in companies, it is imperative to identify the causes clearly and precisely. Without having done this work beforehand, it is impossible to find solutions. In order to achieve your goals, do not hesitate to call on an expert in the field. Careful analysis will be required.

Organize working sessions

The working sessions should focus on a specific theme. This can last a few hours or days. The most important thing is that at the end of this session, objective solutions can be found to the problems.


Once you find the solution, you have to apply it. This task is time-consuming, as it is important to take time to apply all the solutions. Before seeing its effect, it takes three to four months sometimes. The climate of a company does not change with a magic wand. In symbiosis with human resources departments, set up tools to measure the impact of your solutions.

New objectives

To better apply the solutions found, nothing better than to define new objectives. Around a table, discuss the new vision with your collaborators. Do not hesitate to take their opinion on the subject. This could allow you to better define your vision for the future.

By proceeding in this way, your employees will feel involved in the management of the company.

Bonus and salary

Nothing better to motivate your employees. There is no question of making an increase to everyone. It will be necessary to target only the employees who deserve it. This can improve the climate within your company.

Rigor and punishment

The management of a company is done with a strong hand. Do not hesitate to call the wrong collaborators to order. This is sometimes a sign of seriousness and determination towards other employees. Show the right employees that they still have a place in your organization, but don’t hesitate to fire others. Rigor in work, nothing better to improve the social climate in business.


What are the indicators that business leaders can use to analyze the social climate in business and understand its evolution?

To analyze the social climate in companies, business leaders can rely on several key indicators:

  • Employee productivity by monitoring commitment, solidarity and happiness at work.
  • Absenteeism, which can reveal problems in the social climate.
  • Occupational diseases and turnover, which may indicate a tense environment.
  • Financial health of the company, particularly in relation to costs due to burn-out or sick leave.

What are the different methods used to measure the social climate in the workplace and obtain reliable data on the state of the organization?

To measure the social climate in business, different methods can be used:

  • Questionnaires conducted in paper, online or by phone call to quickly obtain answers from employees (quantitative approach).
  • Individual interviews or focus groups to obtain more in-depth information and promote exchanges (qualitative approach).
  • Mixed approach combining quantitative and qualitative methods to obtain a more complete and accurate vision of the social climate in business.
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