A recruitment procedure is divided into several steps that it is useful to follow scrupulously in order to retain the best candidate for a position to be filled. Any manager or recruitment manager must master it perfectly.
Indeed, recruiting a new employee is far from an easy task, and all companies are aware of this. However, this is an important passage in the life of each of them.
To put all the chances on your side, here are the 6 essential steps of the recruitment procedure that it is important to know and follow.
Definition of needs
The definition of needs is the starting point of a recruitment procedure. Indeed, before starting any other process, HR teams must first ask themselves the right questions to determine the precise reasons that justify recruitment:
- Replacement of an agent following a transfer, departure, etc. ;
- Creation of a new position to reduce additional workload, etc.
The success of this first step also determines the success of all the others in the recruitment process. It is therefore important to clarify your needs and budget for them, because meeting them involves costs that are important to anticipate from the beginning.
Well-defined relevant needs ultimately materialize in a decision to recruit. And as soon as the latter is taken, preparation is necessary before moving on to the next steps. Indeed, based on needs, HR teams must:
- Accurately describe the position to be filled on behalf of the recruitment campaign;
- Draw up the profile of the candidate sought;
- Select appropriate recruitment methods and means, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Once these actions have been completed, the recruitment procedure can enter its action phase.
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Schedule a demoWriting and advertising the recruitment
If the company already knows the content of the position to be filled, the profile sought as well as the methods and means to be implemented, the writing and advertising of the recruitment should be easier.
As the job advertisement is the first contact with the recruiting company, it is crucial that it is written with the utmost care. It is through it that the company will be able to stand out from the competition and attract the best talents on the market.
To this end, it is necessary to adopt a pleasant tone, insert the basic keywords, be as clear as possible and give all the important information, namely:
- The title of the position;
- The presentation of the company;
- The nature of the contract;
- The desired skills and level of experience;
- Remuneration and other benefits offered;
- Working hours;
- Specific details related to the position;
- The procedure and timetable for selecting candidates;
- The deadline for applications, etc.
In order to ensure that the recruitment process continues unhindered, care must be taken at this stage not to mention any discriminatory criteria as prohibited by law.
When it comes to running the ad, there are several options. In the case of internal recruitment, the company will use light and economical solutions: sending group emails, posts, memo, etc.
However, when it comes to external recruitment, it will be necessary to turn to external means in order to obtain a larger pool of candidates . The job advertisement can then be advertised through various channels:
- Social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.);
- Recruitment sites;
- Press;
- Job fairs and forums;
- Recruitment agencies.
It should be remembered that the means of advertising the job must be chosen according to the profiles sought for the position to be filled.
Sorting applications
This step in a recruitment process is crucial. First of all, it is necessary to centralize all the applications received and to carry out the necessary checks on the basis, CVs and cover letters in particular.
It is at the end of this that it will be possible to detect talents that correspond well to the criteria indicated in the job offer. The sorting phase classifies applications into three categories, namely:
- Those who are automatically selected for the interview or the selection test;
- Those that can be;
- Those that are eliminated.
Sorting methods may differ from one recruiter to another. The most important thing is to prioritize your selection criteria and stick to them. The use of recruitment digitization software is an ideal solution to optimize the progress of this step.
Job interviews
Job interviews are one of the most delicate and important steps in the recruitment process of an employee. It is advisable to prepare it in advance by drawing up a list of questions to ask the shortlisted candidates.
When the time comes to meet them, the recruiter must start by presenting to the candidate their activity, the sector in which the structure evolves and its challenges. They will then have to talk about the position to be filled, the company and its needs.
After that, they will have to give the floor to the candidate so that they can introduce themselves and express their motivation and show their qualities.
Among the questions that must be asked to candidates during the recruitment procedure, it will be necessary to include essentials such as:
- “Why did you apply for this position?”;
- “What are your greatest qualities and your biggest flaws?”;
- “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”
In addition, when the recruiter absolutely does not want to make a mistake in their selection, they can consider Assessment Center days. Thanks to various scenarios, it will be easier to have a real overview of the candidates’ ability to manage the missions related to the position to be filled.
Selection of the candidate
At this stage of the recruitment process, the recruiter is supposed to have at their disposal all the information to choose the right candidate. The interview will have offered them the opportunity to learn more about interested and interesting profiles.
On the basis of all the data at their disposal, they will have to decide between the candidates and make their choice to advance in the recruitment procedure. The ideal recruit should be the person who has the right training and natural qualities to take on the responsibilities of the position to be filled.
In addition, the recruiter must take care to thank the candidates they have not received or retained for the position. This is important both for them and for the development of the employer brand.
Preparing for the new recruit’s arrival
Preparing for the arrival of a new recruit is the last step in the recruitment process and one of the most important recruitment challenges . It begins with the completion of the essential administrative formalities that are:
- The DUE (single declaration of employment);
- The DPAE (pre-employment declaration).
Those formalities, which are also part of the recruitment procedure, accompany the signing of an employment contract.
Once the issue of administrative formalities has been settled, it will be necessary to prepare the reception of the new employee. It is advisable here to offer them a welcome booklet and to present it to other employees. This will encourage them to leave positive reviews about the company on social media and dedicated platforms.
It should be noted that employee opinions are the best ally to attract the best talent in the future, especially when they are positive. It is important for a company to consult them regularly and respond to them in order to show employees that it is listening to them.
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Once the new recruit has settled into their new work environment, the recruiter can consider that the recruitment procedure is definitively completed.
What are the essential steps of a recruitment procedure and why is it crucial to follow them scrupulously?
The essential steps of a recruitment procedure are:
- Definition of needs
- Writing and advertising the recruitment
- Sorting applications
- Job interviews
- Selection of the candidate
- Preparing for their arrival
It is crucial to follow them scrupulously because it makes it possible to clarify the needs of the position to be filled, to attract the best candidates through a neat and relevant advertisement, to select the profiles adapted to the criteria, and to effectively prepare the integration of the new employee, while enhancing the employer brand by taking into account and responding to the opinions of employees.
What are the steps to follow for writing and advertising a successful recruitment?
To write and advertise a successful recruitment, it is essential to follow a few key steps:
- Adopt a pleasant and clear tone while avoiding discriminatory mention.
- Contain the job title, an introduction to the company, the nature of the contract, the skills and experience sought, the compensation and benefits offered, the hours of work, the specific details of the position, the procedure and schedule for the selection of candidates, as well as the deadline for submission of applications.
- The advertisement can be done via social networks, recruitment sites, the press, forums, or recruitment agencies, depending on the profiles sought.