The employer brand: definition, challenges, and strategy

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The employer brand: definition, challenges, and strategy

A few years ago, recruitment essentially depended on the skills of the candidates. But, in the meantime, the world of employment has undergone real changes. Indeed, we are now witnessing a scarcity of talented candidates while demand remains constant. Companies wishing to recruit have therefore had to comply with the changes and find a way to attract, convince, and retain talent. It is the employer brand. What is employer branding? What are its challenges? What are the strategies for building an employer brand? You will get a comprehensive answer by reading this content.

What is employer branding?

The employer brand is comparable to the image that the company conveys. But, far from being an image intended for customers, it is rather intended for recruitment candidates. The employer brand has an impact both internally and externally. It is used to promote the company to candidates, but also to employees who already belong to the company. You can evaluate the effectiveness of your employer brand by analyzing survey responses. Use this trusted employee review platform to administer the survey.

In other words, employer branding is what attracts talent to your company over another. But that’s not all. Once they join the company, it is thanks to a good employer brand that they stay. In the employee loyalty process, QWL plays an important role. Indeed, when employees feel good in their work environment, they produce better results. In addition, the employee is more inclined to continue working in the company. You must therefore put QWL at the heart of the employer brand to maximize your chances of retaining workers.

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What are the challenges of employer branding?

The challenges of employer branding for a company are numerous. If you don’t see them yet, let us educate you on the issue.

A more attractive company

Most businesses are present on the Internet. They have a website and/or one or more social networks. As with clients, candidates tend to look at this online presence to get an idea. So, when the company communicates effectively and has a good employer brand, it sends a positive image to both employees and candidates. The latter therefore see themselves more easily as workers in the company. Therefore, they come spontaneously to apply for positions that fall within their area of ​​expertise.

Better employee buy-in

Quality employer branding is a key factor for the support of your employees. Indeed, they feel valued and know that their opinion counts within the company. Employees therefore do not see the point in looking for another job because they feel out of place.

Better productivity

Since they participate in building the employer brand and improving quality of life, employees perceive themselves as important links in the company. They therefore have an easier time working and producing better results, because all conditions work together. Additionally, when there are opportunities for career advancement, they push themselves even more.

Lower recruitment costs

The interest in employer branding is not limited to the issues mentioned above. When you have good internal and external communication, you attract exactly the profile you are looking for to fill the vacant positions. This way, you organize fewer recruitments and they are more efficient. In addition, since you attract exactly the desired talent profile, they are easier to retain.

How to implement the employer brand?

It is now more than obvious that employer branding is of paramount importance for any company. To benefit from the benefits of a positive employer brand, discover the strategies to put it in place.

Promote your company’s culture

A company’s culture is everything that defines it: its history, its values, its vision, and its actions. All of these elements are specific to each company. Thus, promoting your corporate culture allows external people, particularly talents, to have a certain image of your company. Candidates who share the values ​​and vision that you convey through your corporate culture apply to your company. They also make better employees because they demonstrate great commitment to achieving the company’s objectives.

Have good internal communication

As we explained previously, the employer brand is not only the image that you project internally but also externally. This is why establishing a good employer brand also requires good internal communication. To do this, put your employees at the heart of all decisions that will impact QWL. For example, you can do surveys to collect their opinions and find out what needs to be improved. However, for your employees to know that their opinion is taken into account, the suggested changes must be analyzed. Do them if they are feasible.

When internal communication is good, satisfaction is high among employees. The employer brand is therefore positively impacted. Discover how communication is a lever for developing the employer brand. In addition, satisfied employees are easier to convince to play the role of ambassador for your employer brand. A positive employer brand internally leads to a positive image externally.

Write good offers

To attract the talent you need, you must adapt your external communication. You must therefore produce targeted content for your job offers. Which content must evoke the desired talent profile? To do this, present the position, the necessary skills, and the responsibilities. But that’s not all. A good offer must reflect your vision and your values. The drafting of the offer is therefore not limited to the responsibilities and skills of the candidates. It should also show why talent should work with you rather than a competing company.

Take care of your presence on the web

Since digital technology has become essential in all sectors of activity, the first instinct of job seekers is to search on the Internet. The companies’ website and social networks therefore become their showcase. To maintain a good employer brand, you need to take care of your online platforms. Publish content targeted to both your customers and talents.

Also, make sure to highlight your employer brand. Don’t hesitate to be creative. For example, you can have a section where your colleagues talk about their experience working within the company. This strongly contributes to showing a positive employer brand.

Recognize the work of your employees

To encourage and motivate your employees, you can do several things. Giving a bonus to committed workers, promising them a promotion or simply recognizing their efforts, are among other very effective tips. All of these rewards help maintain employee engagement and motivation at work. Additionally, this recognition allows them to feel valued for their efforts. As a result, your employees are satisfied and you benefit not only from their skills but also from a good employer brand. Because a happy employee is an actor in your positive employer brand.

Maintain a good reputation

Enhancement of your e-reputation on Google is also a strategy for enhancing the employer brand. Indeed, this last strategy is not only reserved for talents. It is also useful for attracting customers. By enhancing your e-reputation, you convince talents with your values ​​and your vision. They therefore identify more easily with your company and have no difficulty in projecting themselves as an employee.

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