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I have really enjoyed my time working at Custplace ...

I have really enjoyed my time working at Custplace so far. The company culture places a strong emphasis on both work-life balance and teamwork. I have been given freedom to explore new concepts and styles, which has allowed me to develop my skills exponentially in this role.
Custplace offers many opportunities to learn and grow professionally. I appreciate that the company understands the importance of personal well-being in addition to work responsibilities. The best part is the great team - everyone is very supportive and willing to share their expertise. It feels more like working with a group of friends than just colleagues. Custplace has proven to be an excellent place to further my career, and I look forward to continuing learning and contributing to the team's success.

Date d’embauche le 04/09/2023

Dear employee,

Thank you for this very nice review

We are very attached of work-life balance and teamwork.

Knowing that you feel in "the great team" is a great satisfaction for all management.


Par Custplace Custplace
il y a 8 mois

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